
Cheating by Sexting Again!

Let's just log this on here for my records.

First there was Marthajelica or however the fuck, then there was Tina, then there was Tammy, and now Sheila.

This morning I found sexts from my boyfriend to Sheila saying that he wanted to cum inside of her, bite her ass, and sent a dick pic.

I literally went into the bathroom where he was taking a shower swung the door open and shoved him.
I kinda feel bad about that
Started screaming, throwing things, and left.
He doesn't seem to think that sexting is cheating and he said he was "Just playing."
I finally told him I hated him and I wanted to break up, and that I was going to live at Wayne State.
How fucking disrespectful.
I literally have been working my ass off FOR HIM. And this is the thanks I get.
Well fuck him and fuck you and fuck this entire world.
Because I can never have anyone decent in my life.

My mom is bi-polar.
My dad hasn't been able to physically pick me up or carry me since I was 6 years old.
My 1st boyfriend was basically a predator dating a 16 year old while he was 20, never could carry a job and snuck into my Dads house constantly to sleep with me.
My 2nd boyfriend was physically abusive and I thought I was going to die from suffocation once. He's now in prison for child pornography.
And now this boyfriend can't keep his dick in his pants if he tried.

I'm done.
I'm fucking done.
I don't want to be here anymore.
As in this house.

But for some reason something is holding me back.
I don't know WHAT THE FUCK TO DO.

I literally got in my car and was just driving crazy going up on curbs and screaming my face off.
Why do we as women put up with this.
I told him I'm breaking up with him and he didn't even respond.
Like he's not taking me seriously.
I honestly want to take all my stuff and just go somewhere.

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